International Symposium on PhD by Prior Publication (2023) is the 5th ever electronics gathering to support the independent researchers for their doctoral dream. This symposium under Advan-kt paves ways for the Medical graduates who have already in industry or academia for few years with substantial research output. Want to know what people are talking about PhD by Publication ?

International Symposium on PhD by Prior Publication

Date: 7th Aug 2023, Vanue: Zoom Meeting, Time: 10 AM (GMT+8.00)

Interested candidates must have Bachelor and/or Master Degree, and are advised to register* through Advan-kt's google form and pay USD 50 for application processing.

Google Form
Pay USD 50 via Fee Payment Gateway

As for any informal communication, pls write to program coordinator at :

Last date for the registration is July 21st, 2023 and only registered candidates will be allowed to participate in this online symposium. University representatives are advised to contact the program coordinator directly for registration and participation. Registration fee (USD 500) is set for any single university to support our mission in recruiting PhD by Prior Publication candidates. A university has registered in the year 2021 and three universities have registered in the year 2022 to support our initiatives.

Participants should be able to join the e-symposium via online conferencing software. We will provide it at the June, 2023. On the spot registration will be offered for eligible candidates without going through lengthy formal registration and collecting formal processing fee starting from USD 100 to USD 500. As if the applicant has five papers already published at ISI-Web of Science, ranking from Q1-Q2, he/she will be immediately offered with a dean's scholarship worth of 10% of total fee. Even three papers will be considered in Medical field for such awards. Thesis completion can be done over a month of time as it requires fellow authors signature for thesis completion. Thesis preparation* is given at :

*Participants will be given complete guidance on PhD by Prior Publication from start to finish and therefore dont run behind any writing software at any circumstance.

Advan-kt helps to select the appropriate doctoral program based on candidates prior publications but there is an issue to consider. Not all universities accept every single published-papers but mostly which suit their research groups' interest. So the selection process absolutely falls in the hand of universities but Advan-kt will do the best to facilitate your need with accreditation, fee, and also the successful completion of PhD viva voce examination.

Candidates who have strong confidence that she/he can establish Prima Facie with any university for PhD by Prior Publication then she/he is encouraged directly to approach university of her/his choice. A complete list of universities that offer PhD by Prior Publication is available at :

Date: 7th Aug 2023, Vanue: Zoom Meeting, Time: 10 AM (GMT+8.00)

10.00 AM - 10.30 AM : Welcoming speech by facilitator
10.30 AM - 11.00 AM : Opening speech by Prof. Nachimani Charde (Advan-kt's CEO and President)
11.00 AM - 11.30 AM : Thesis preparation for PhD by Prior Publication
11.30 AM - 12.00 PM : Quality publication and ethics among academics and/or industrialists

12.00 PM - 1.00 PM : Lunch Break

1.00 PM - 2.00 PM : Universities representative speech
2.00 PM - 2.30 PM : Registration on the spot
2.30 PM - 3.00 PM : Q&A Session
3.00 PM - 3.30 PM : Closing speech by Advan-kt's Vice President



Assist. Prof. Dr. Saleem Ahmed has completed his Doctor of Philosophy under Advan-kt Consortium University and working as Assistant Professor for the Liverpool John Moores University UK, at International Study Center in Qatar. He exclusively handles this e-symposium from the initial registration to final completion. He is available in email for general communication.

Program Chair and Guest Speakers

Clinic. Prof. Dr. Samer Humadi,
Symposium Chair


Clinical Prof. Dr. Samer Humadi, PhD, MSc, MBChB, DIC, FRCS (England), FRCS (Ireland), FRCS (General Surgery) Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal & Bariatric Surgeon, will be handling this symposium online.

Dr. Harald R Detto,
Guest Speaker


Dr. Harald R Detto is an alumnus and also internal examiner of Advan-kt. He will be discussing about the PhD Viva Voce Examination.

Dr. Sohail ANSARI ,
Guest Speaker


Sohail Ansari is trained in neurosurgery in the UK. He holds fellowships like the FRCS, FRACP, FRCS(Neurosurg), FACS and etc. Presentl, he is working at Imperial College Hospitals London as consultant.

Registered Participants

Thesis Format