Citation Gives Academic Excellence

           University ranking is primarily determined by research and its output. This ideology gives about 60% weightage for world university ranking according to Time Higher Education. About 15% of the research universities are nowadays eager to improve their research strength through journal publication and citations. As to cope with these essentials, we help researchers to get adequate and relevant citations in many fields. We cover from arts to sciences and from engineering to medical and beyond that.

1) Inform us about your latest research and publication.
2) We will provide a list of journals with High Impact Factor and we will pay USD 70-100 for each citation.
3) Maximum 8 citations are acceptable from single/multiple authors for every research paper that planned to be published at High Impact Journals.
4) Payment will be sent to bank accounts directly so the work load must be informed earlier.
5) Send email to to liase with our advisor.
6) Learn about the ISI Web of Science Journals here : Journals

What Our Team Can Do ?

(We have our team of staffs to handle the following tasks)

Type Responsibility
Language Editing Check the papers for language error such as the grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, sentence structures and etc
Scientific Editing Edit the language syntactically and scientifically, and provide some academic suggestions in the postil to improve the quality of the manuscript
Academic Editing Revise the manuscript in terms of academic logicality, content organization, results analysis, and language; make sure the manuscript is appropriate to be published in high ranked journal
Peer Review Assess the manuscript from title to reference and give the advice; assess the manuscript’s suitability to the author’s intended journal and recommend three journals that are most suited to the manuscript
Journal Recommendation Assess the manuscript based on research significance, novelty, preciseness and language; recommend three journals that are most suited to the manuscript