Connecting the Universities for Modern Educational Exchange
Advan-kt Education Inc. USA started the 'Advan-kt Consortium Universities' in 2020 and has been collaborating with modern universities for educational exchange. This collaboration is ideal for the universities whose visions fall on the Professional Doctorate, Joint PhD, PhD by Prior Publication, Double PhD by Prior Publication, Postdoctoral by Prior Publication, and Industrial Doctorate programs. In 2022, this network of universities was renamed as the Advan-kt Multiversity.
Advan-kt Education welcomes applications from modern universities for higher educational excellence (Application Form). One time registration fee is set at USD 150, while annual fee is set at USD 1000 from 2024 and onwards. The Advan-kt Consortium Universities will recruit students for the above-mentioned five programs and will share the student list among member universities. This will be done twice a year, and the universities can subsequently choose whom to consider for their higher educational programs. This will also reduce a single university's marketing costs significantly because we do the job while competitors are spending thousands for themselves. Besides, the applicants need not to pay USD 500 for every single application to establish a prima facie case for their advance entry. Furthermore, if university 'A' confers a PhD for five ISI web of science journal publications, then this scale can be used to evaluate university 'B' for its PhD standards. By doing so, any university PhD can be regarded as a world-class thesis when standards are maintained. Advan-kt Consortium Universities has already established a set of guidelines to equalise the PhD among universities, and it works for seven universities now.
For general enquiry, please write to Prof. Nachimani Charde through
Please note that we hide (close) our University-members list (like the Web of Science) because the higher education candidates used to apply to both parties (Advan-kt Consortium Universities and the University Member) simultaneously for best bargaining, and this will create communication confusions apart from delay. To avoid any confusion, we have closed this section with seven university members as of May 2022. We invite all the modern universities to join us for mutual benefit and we obligated to work for the universities who fund us. Also note that 'Advan-kt Consortium Universities' does not provide any accreditation to any of the programs because the university members already have accreditation for their programs, appropriately.