Doctor of Philosophy (International Management)

           This program is specially designed for the working professionals and/or corporate leaders who have been worked for many years and hold a senior executive position. ADVAN-KT will appoint supervisors to complete the doctoral thesis writing and prepare the candidate for viva voce examination subsequently. Prerequisite modules can be included if necessory arises.

All students must undergo the ELSEVIER's free online courses prior to commence their doctoral thesis writing ! Once completed, the students have to discuss with our academician through e-Class Room to understand it better.

Stage 1: ELSEVIER Publishing Campus

Stage 2: Proposal Defense

Stage 3: Doctoral Thesis Writing

Stage 4: PhD Viva Vice Exam

           Doctoral degree awards are normally completed with Proposal Defense and PhD Viva Voce Examination. This is to determine the right track of international research as well as quality of the research. Visit the PhD Viva Voce Examination section to observe how students defense their projects.

Industrial-PhD Viva Voce Exam of Batch 1 is here: Click here

e-Class Room Discussion